Monday, July 24, 2017

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Too Exhausted To Take Meds

Just curious as how many of you feel like your too exhausted to take your meds each day. When my cortisol dips because of adrenal failure I feel like it takes all I have to just sit up in the bed or lean over to grab my medicine box. Today I sat and stared at my medicine box for an hour before I had the strength to reach for it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Kidney Stones and Addisons Disease

I am somewhere in the range of 17 to 20 lithotripsy surgeries. I currently have over 20 stones within both kidneys again. My rhematologist told me that it is my endocrinologist job to figure out why this is happening. So far she has put me on hydrochlorithizide to prevent them and it is not working. I am looking at having yet another surgery in the near future. In 2017 my goal is to find a new endo and see if he/she can get to the bottom of this.

Pleurisy and Addison's Disease

I have been having issues with breathing and pain. Every time I breathe in a sharp pain shoots through my back. Also my ankles and behind my knees have been swelling. I went to the Dr. today and she told me I had pleurisy or inflammation of the lungs which is caused by an hydration issue. I was prescribed Microthizide, which is a diuretic. I was taking ...the over the counter diuretics and they were not helping much. I have heard of several other Addison's also having this. The good thing is that it can be treated and is only temporary.

Heart Monitor Testing for Addisons Disease - (5 days)


Published by Malisha Nicole Fuller · July 23, 2015 at 1:15am
JULY 20, 2015
JULY 25, 2015
Getting hooked up this home heart  monitoring wasnt bad at all . It is more of a pain on having to carry the EKG phone within 10 feet of my machine at all times. I have easily forgotten it at times.  Its pretty simple and basic though to keep up with.
Wearing heart montior for five days to see if the cardiologist can catch any irrugularities or tachyardia. I follow up on July 27, 2015 for a stress test in the hospital. kinda hoping it is as easy.

Update Jan 2017
I started heart rate med for fast heart rate.

Parathyroid and Kidney Stones with Addisons Disease

Addisons & Parathyroid/ Stones
I have been developing recurrent kidney stones and have had reoccuring kidney infections for almost 20 years. I have been through @ 15 lithotripsys and counting. My thyroid function has always come back normal but my endcrinologist thinks it could be the parathyroid glands that sit atop of the thyroids. They regulate calcium in the body and can cause many other symptoms. So I am currently waiting on getting an approval for a thyroid scan to see, which or if any glands are damaged or have tumors or growths. I am expecting to have results within a month. My endo has talked to me about surgery to remove them already as she is almost certain this is the cause.

Thyroid Issues and Addison's Disease

Thyroid Issues & Addison’s Disease
I have many friends with Addison’s disease whose thyroid test have come back normal but have either Graves Disease or Hashimotos. Please request your endo to check your thyroid antibodies as well as your parathyroid glands. I also know several Addys with growths on their thyroid glands and some that have overcome thyroid cancer.

All The Awareness Photos I Have Created

Feel Free to Save and Share. Keep Raising Awareness

Caregivers and Addisons Disease Group

Depression and Addison's Disease Group

Understanding Addisons Disease Page

Dieting With Adrenal Disease Group

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I am currently working on updating my website and redesigning it as my other one was accidently deleted due to my Addisons Disease and Hashimotos brain fog. I am sorry for the trouble this has caused, please be patient with me while I get everything back up. Hugs